Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday in Tela

Sometimes we spend the weekend in Tela.   Here's some photos so you can see why we love the little town of 70,000 people.

The shoe repair man.
The straps on my expensive sandals from home would not stay fastened so we visited this lovely man who sits here on his little stool day after day.   All the tools he needs are on the bench next to him and in one little drawer. There is a working community around him of people selling all sorts of goods and food.    He put on new clips, one sandal is too loose and the other too tight but they still stay on my feet. He's very cheap and sometimes refuses to charge at all, so I can't complain.

Two ladies (maybe mother and sister) who were selling tortillas and chatting to the shoe repair man.

I got these photos printed and took them back to them.   They were thrilled with their present. We shopped for a while and then headed to the beach to watch the sunset and the local sights.

     A Garifuna girl
She would probably be about 15 and has joined the lot of most girls here, pregnant!

This little girl was having such a wonderful time until the lady with the camera ( me!) scared her away.

Glenn patiently waited for me while I kept snapping the camera.

Mariachis (travelling singers)
They walk around in pairs or threes and pester everyone until someone lets them sing.   They know us now and just walk past with a grin. .  This is the Pizza restaurant run by a married Italian couple.   They are really nice people and we often have a chat with them in Spanish.   It's amazing how easily we can understand each other's Spanish.   They are much clearer and slower than most of the locals.

The sun was setting at last and was certainly worth waiting for these views.


We then walked to the other end of town to one of our regular haunts, a restaurant called the Bungalow, run by a Honduran who lived for a long time in Houston and New Orleans.    His food is cheap and reasonable.  While we were eating our meal, a man drove his wheel chair up the hill by turning a wheel at the front of his wheel chair by hand and when it got too hard for him, a local as he rode his bike pulled him up to the top of the hill.    It was a lovely moment to end another special weekend.  I'm hope you can now see why we enjoy living in Tela. so much.

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